The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Despite the end of the first season of this reality-show installment, castmates and sisters Kim and Kyle Richards are still feuding. According to family and friends, this fight ? caught on camera for the season finale ? is the biggest they?ve ever had. Find out who?s siding with whom and the backstory on the source of the bad blood. Plus, a rundown of the famous sister feuds we can?t stop talking about.
Teen Mom 2: Leah Messer?s ex-boyfriend Robbie Kidd says he slept with the teen mom after her bachelorette party, only hours before she wed Corey Simms. In an exclusive interview, Robbie reveals what?s been happening behind the scenes, despite denials from Leah?s friends. Plus, the reasons Leah ended up choosing Corey.
Kourtney Kardashian: Is a wedding in the near future for Kourtney Kardashian and her baby?s father, Scott Disick? OK! readers debate on whether these two reality stars belong together.
Real Life: Updates on OK!?s recent real-life reports, including the search for the missing Morenci, Mich., boys, the impending mental competency trial for Jaycee Dugard?s captor and more information on the 13-year-old Texas cheerleader who disappeared.
Katie Holmes: According to insiders on the set of Katie Holmes? new movie Jack and Jill, the actress got upset when she heard rumors about audience members walking out of one of her films. The worst part? The rumors weren?t true! Plus, more on the unfair career jabs Katie has had to deal with lately.
OK! Style Week: In a Grammy Preview Special, readers reveal their Grammy style favorites, Ciara talks about her music and OK! lists the stars trying to out-Gaga Lady Gaga. Also, a Valentine?s Day gift guide and the best Valentine?s Day date-night outfits, inspired by star couples.
Plus: Inside Bachelor Pad co-host Melissa Rycroft?s nursery; The latest photos of stars? snow days; Experts debate the appropriateness of American Idol?s Chris Medina, who brought his recently brain-damaged fianc�e to his audition; OK! picks the three most romantic dates from The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, including trips to Bora Bora and Seattle; E! News host Giuliana Rancic dishes on the best-dressed stars at the Screen Actors Guild Awards; Celebrity nutritionist Keri Glassman weighs in on actress Brooklyn Decker?s daily diet; And, just in time for Valentine?s Day, five seductive-makeup tips from the Victoria?s Secret Angels!
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