Saturday, November 27, 2010

Microlite BackupEDGE 3.0 coming soon



Microlite will soon be releasing a new version of BackupEDGE. The cost to upgrade from a 2.x version will be $250.00 (unless you just bought 2.x in 2009 - it's $100.00 in that case). However, if you act RIGHT NOW (and I mean literally now because this price is going to change very, very soon) you can buy a support contract that entitles you to a free upgrade to the new version.

Microlite charges $160.00 for that support contract. When the new version comes out, the contract price is also going up to $200.00 per year. I can sell it to you for $140.00 IF YOU ACT NOW!

This is a great opportunity from Microlite - but you have to move quickly. Email or call me NOW.

See for more information on the new version.

Comments: Click Here.

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